Our vision, first and foremost, is to glorify God in all we do.
This Church is Christ's Church, He is the head and we are the body.
We must be obedient to the heavenly vision declared by Paul in Acts 26:16-19.
This means winning the lost to Christ & building up His Church.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain" Ps. 127:1
We operate from the belief that the Church is not a building but His people.
We also operate from the belief that a Church better operates without a financial debt.
God has blessed us with 10 acres of land at 23405 SR 44. We own this property debt free. We believe that God wants us to use this land for His purposes. Our vision is to build a church on the property. The property is situated in a prime location (no other churches within several miles). Sorrento Springs, Red Tail, and Black Bear housing developments are close by as well as many other housing projects. We are very near the Publix shopping center that has become a hub for the community.
Please pray for us! If you would like to give to our Vision/Building Fund, you can do so by clicking on the donate link or you can mail your tax-deductable check to East Lake Community Church, P.O. Box 4, Sorrento FL 32776 or by placing your check in our offering box at church. Designate your check to
"The Vision/Building Fund."